Um grande espectaculo como sempre! E com tanta gente, foi muito bom!
A great show, as always! And with so many people, it was really good!
Pena nao ir tanta gente como devia, sempre, e deixarem sempre para o ultimo dia.
O teatro em Portugal é muito frágil!
Todos nós deviamos apoiar mais os actores, especialmente os que nos são próximos.
It is a pity that not so many people as it should, go to the theatre. People always leave for the last day to appear. Theatre in Portugal is so fragile. We all should support more the actors, especially the ones that are close to us.
Love in the red carpet. I am coming home.
(mixed feelings, miss my friends and miss my mum)
This is finished here and I was happy here, but my life belongs somewhere else,
is time to go.
Picasso House. Malaga.
Prince arrived to my beach
My Friendson. I will miss you forever! Graduation Day!
Beer parties. Sponsored by San Miguel.
The end of a week full of exams. Everything looks so beautiful and calm.
A week full of rain, exams and few hours of sleep.
Esta Luz so a descobri hoje! Que lindos miaus!
Being different makes me feel alone and sometimes i just want to quit.
So much fight, so much work....who cares!?
I care and i hate that the rest of the world don't care!
As vezes odeio nao ser como as pessoas ditas normais.
Ser assim faz-me sentir so e as vezes so me apetece desistir.
Tanta luta, tanto trabalho....quem se importa?
Eu importo-me e odeio que o resto das pessoas nao se importem.
(photo source: missed (not mine) apologizes do the owner)